Emerging Adults
The transition from adolescence to adulthood is a critical and misunderstood phase of life that occurs roughly from age 18-29. Emerging adults can develop the interests and preferences that will allow them to make future decisions involving work and relationships.
For many it is a time of possibilities, with abundant choices and minimal responsibilities. For others the abundance of choices is too vast, entry-level jobs are scarce, relationships are volatile, and the graduation edict to “follow your passions” is a presumed requirement, yet seemingly unattainable. Feelings of depression, anxiety and even hopelessness may emerge, compounded by unresolved issues from childhood.
Counseling can provide needed emotional support in an honest, non-judgmental professional setting, providing an opportunity to work through these issues and right the path to self-discovery.
Please contact me for a free consultation so that we can explore how we might work together.
Photo leaving nowhere by The Quiet Canadian